Design Patterns in JavaScript

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What are Design Patterns?

Design patterns are typical solutions to common problems in software design. Each pattern is like a blueprint that you can customize to solve a particular design problem in your code.

So, you know how when you're coding, you often run into the same old problems? Design patterns are like cheat codes for that. They're tried-and-true solutions to common coding conundrums that make your life as a developer way easier.

Design Patterns vs Algorithms

Okay, think of it like this: algorithms are like recipes for cooking up specific tasks, step by step. Design patterns, on the other hand, are more like general guidelines for structuring your code. They're not so much about the minute details but more about the high level solutioning.

Classification of Design Patterns

Alright, let's break it down:

  1. Creational Patterns: These are all about creating objects. Like when you need to make a bunch of similar objects without repeating yourself, you'd use something like the Factory Method or Singleton pattern.

  2. Structural Patterns: Ever needed to connect different parts of your code in a flexible way? That's where structural patterns come in. They help you organize your code into bigger, more manageable chunks. Think Adapter or Bridge patterns.

  3. Behavioral Patterns: These are all about how your objects talk to each other. If you've got a bunch of objects collaborating on a task, behavioral patterns help keep things running smoothly. Observer and Strategy patterns are good examples here.